In connection with the implementation of the activities under the project “Fisheries – cross-border opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, project code ROBG-402, Interreg VA Romania Bulgaria program on the grounds of Art. 3 of the PPA it is necessary to submit an offer according to the requirements of the Contracting Authority for a public procurement with the subject: “Hotel accommodation of persons participating in the project” Fisheries – cross-border opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources “, project code ROBG-402 , program Interreg V A Romania Bulgaria ”
Description of the service / Technical specification /: The Contractor should provide – hotel accommodation required for the implementation of the project as follows:
1. One night / hotel accommodation / and two days meeting for the event in Silistra – 2 days (one night) for 26 people;
2. Two nights / hotel accommodation / and three days holding a meeting in connection with the event in the city of Veliko Tarnovo for the presentation of FISHNAT tourist package for 27 people – 3 days (two nights);
3. One night / hotel accommodation / and two days meeting for a workshop in Rousse – two days (one night) for 27 people.
The chosen contractor should provide for the participants in the meetings a lunch and dinner for the duration of the stay of the participants in the meeting in the respective city.
The contractor will be notified of the specific dates for the meetings two weeks before the meeting.
How to apply: Each candidate is allowed to submit only one offer, subject to the requirements of this notice. The offer must include the applicant’s name, UIC, contact details, signature and seal of the representative or his authorized representative. In Tender a, the applicant should provide a brief description of the activities / organization / in the execution of the contract, category of hotel, location, deadline for completion.
The maximum estimated value for the execution of the order is up to 20 927,06 BGN without VAT.
Bidding: Bids are submitted in one of the following ways:
by e-mail – or at the address: Silistra, 49 Simeon Veliki Str., in sealed, labeled packaging.
The offers are made in Bulgarian language, with prices in Bulgarian levs, with and without VAT.
The deadline for submission of bids is 5:00 pm on 6/02/2019.
After the analysis of the received bids, ATGSR Dunavska Dobrudzha Association, selected according to the criterion for the lowest price for the service contractor company Druster Turinvest and concluded contract number 5 / 02.05.2019.