In connection with the implementation of the activities under the project “Fisheries – cross-border opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, project code ROBG-402, Interreg VA Romania Bulgaria program on the grounds of Art. 3 of the PPA it is necessary to submit a tender according to the requirements of the Contracting Authority for a public procurement with the subject: “Organized transport of persons participating in the project” Fisheries – cross-border opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources “, project code ROBG-40 2, Interreg V A Romania Bulgaria Program ”
The need for the service is for the purpose of meeting, exchanging experience in the implementation of the Fisheries – cross-border opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources project, project code ROBG-402, funded by the Interreg VA Romania Bulgaria program, as should:
The transport service includes the following destinations:
10 people from Ruse – Silistra – to Calarasi and back (with one night);
5 people from Ruse – to Silistra and back (with one night);
10 people from Silistra – Ruse – to Veliko Tarnovo and back (with two nights);
10 people from Silistra – Ruse – to Veliko Tarnovo and back (with two nights);
10 people from Silistra – Veliko Tarnovo – Ruse – to Giurgiu and back (one night)
10 people from Silistra – Veliko Tarnovo – to Rousse and back (one night)
15 people from Ruse – Veliko Tarnovo – Silistra – to Calarasi and back (with two nights)
The carrier undertakes to hold an up-to-date passenger carriage license for the duration of the agreed service.
The Carrier undertakes to provide all necessary insurance, documents and fees for the carriage of passengers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, all expenses for their insurance being at its own expense.
The carrier is obliged to maintain in good working order according to the requirements of the Law on Carriage of Passengers, Traffic Police, GAI and all other control bodies, vehicles used for passengers, and to mark them as “Accidental Carriage”.
The Carrier undertakes to observe the fixed routes and schedules, and in case of accidents and incidents during the transportation, to inform the Contracting Authority in due time.
How to apply: Each candidate is allowed to submit only one offer, subject to the requirements of this notice.
The offer must include the applicant’s name, UIC, contact details, signature and seal of the representative or his authorized representative. In Tender a, the applicant should provide a brief description of the activities / organization / in the execution of the contract, deadline.
When submitting a price offer for the execution of the contract, the applicant should include all costs for the performance of the contract.
The maximum estimated value for the execution of the order is up to 6 464,93 BGN without VAT.
Bidding: Bids are submitted in one of the following ways:
by email or at Silistra, Simeon Veliki 49, in sealed, labeled packaging.
The offers are made in Bulgarian language, with prices in Bulgarian levs, with and without VAT.
The deadline for submission of bids is 5:00 pm on 6/02/2019.
Offer validity period – 60 calendar days.
ATGSR Association Danube Dobrudja, after analyzing the received offers, selected according to the criterion for the lowest price for the service provider company Mili Trans 05 and concluded contract number 6 / 03.05.2019.