I. I initiate a procedure for designating a contractor in accordance with Art. 50 – 53 ZUSESIF, with subject “Information and Publicity”, in connection with the implementation of the FISHNAT ROBG 402 project, which is financed under the INTERREG VA ROMANIA-BULGARIA 2014-2020 Program.
II. I determine the choice of contractor to be made by public invitation.
III. I approve the invitation and documentation to participate.
IV. The invitation and all documentation for participation in the procedure for designating a contractor should be sent to the Director of the Directorate for Territorial Cooperation Management at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria for publication of the Single Information Portal for the EU Funds.
Beneficiary: Tourist Fishing Club
Name and position / signature and seal: Tsvetozar Tsvetkov – Chairman
The Tourist Fishing Club Association, after analyzing the offers received, selected according to the criterion for the lowest price for the contractor of the service International Innovative Technologies EOOD.