The acquisition of “event organizing services” takes place in the context of the implementation of the project entitled “Fishing – cross-border tourism opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, RO code BG 402, financed by the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Program.

By purchasing this type of service, it is ensured that the obligations arising from the financing contracts of the project, respectively the contract no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and the contract no.98324 / 30.08.2018, concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi.

CPV codes and their names:

55120000-7 Meeting and conference services organized at the hotel

The consultative meeting will take place at a hotel in the municipality of Calarasi where representatives of the stakeholders from the targeted cross-border area will meet. The purpose of the meeting is to define the package of FISHNAT tourist services based on the joint study on recreational fishing for tourist destination.

The meeting will take place over 2 days (with 1 night accommodation), will bring together 26 participants, ensuring accommodation, meals and interpretation.

Services for organizing events (FISHNAT Festival 3 days / 2 nights)

2.1. 55110000-4 – Hotel accommodation services for 100 pers. x 2 nights (includes breakfast);

2.2. 79952000-2 – Event organization services:

– organizing the event in the hall (includes room rental, multimedia facilities and lunch);

– over 100 participants sounding;

– rental room 1 day.

The total value of the services = 36,377.50 euros with VAT included.

I should mention the fact that up to this date no procurement procedures have been organized for services, in accordance with the legal regulations regarding public procurement, Law 98/2016.

The COMPETITIVE PROCEDURE was chosen due to the total value of the services that are to be procured, the legal provisions of the MFE Order no. 1284/2016 if OUG Nr. 45/2018 and the Ceiling set at Program level (version 5).

The award criterion is the best value for money.

Please send us your offer until 22.02.2019 by fax, e-mail or directly at the Foundation’s headquarters.

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Thus, the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as a beneficiary of the financing, following the analysis of the submitted offers, has acquired the service of “organizing events – consultative meeting and international conference within the FISHNAT Festival” necessary to carry out and fulfill the obligations arising from Financing contracts no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and no.98324 / 30.08.2018 concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as follows:

The services will be provided by SC QUEEN FOOD SRL Calarasi, based on the contract no. 297 / 08.03.2019 having the value of 30,250 euros without VAT.

The award criterion was the best value for money.