The acquisition of “festival organizing services” and “technical support services” is carried out in the context of the implementation of the project entitled “Fishing – cross-border tourism opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources” ROBG code – 402, financed by the Program INTERREG VA Romania – Bulgaria.
By purchasing this type of service, it is ensured that the obligations arising from the financing contracts of the project, respectively the contract no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and the contract no. 98324 / 30.08.2018, concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi.
The FISHNAT festival – as a tourism event / product is composed of leisure activities, fishing instruments presentation, cultural and culinary traditions, wants to promote tourism and to represent an annual tourist event in the area. The FISHNAT festival will be organized for 3 days and will involve tourists (from Romania, Bulgaria or from other countries), promoters / suppliers within the FISHNAT tour packages (tour operators / travel agents, accommodation units, food units and suppliers (representatives of culture), representatives of sport fishing / fishing associations and representatives of professional fishing.
CPV codes and their names
CPV 79953000-9 “Festival organization services”
The following outdoor activities will be organized during the event:
– Stands where, in the exhibition, specific fishing gear, handmade, specific to the targeted border area, traditional fishery-related culinary products are presented, the food corner where authorized private entrepreneurs can offer ready-made traditional dishes.
– The artistic show will be organized every day with amateur and professional artists, regardless of age, who will show the traditions in the targeted border area.
CPV 71356300-1 “Technical support services”
Support for outdoor events – technical and artistic will be contracted with a specialized company (including the artistic program, stands).
According to Law no. 98/2016, regarding the public procurement, until the date of the present there were no organized procurements for this type of services.
Considering the estimated value of the services that are to be purchased, of 50,162.07 Euro with VAT included, the COMPETITIVE PROCEDURE is applied, thus respecting the legal provisions of the MFE Order no. 1284/2016, OUG. no. 45/2018 and the Ceiling set at the Program level (version 5).
The award criterion is the best value for money.
Please send us your offer by 08.08.2019 by fax, e-mail or directly to the Foundation’s headquarters.
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Thus, the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as a beneficiary of the financing, following the analysis of the submitted offers, has acquired the service of “organizing festivals and technical support services” necessary in order to carry out and fulfill the obligations arising from the Financing Contracts no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and no.98324 / 30.08.2018 concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as follows:
The services will be provided by the association between SC SAMPLER MUSIC SRL Zarnesti and SC SAMSKARA PROJECT SRL Calarasi, based on the contract no. 521 / 30.08.2019 having the value of 198,748, 20 RON without VAT.
The award criterion was the best value for money.