The “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi implements, within the INTERREG VA Romania-Bulgaria Program, the project “Fishing – cross-border tourist opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, ROBG code 402, co-financed by the European Union through the European Fund of Regional Development.
The Foundation “Natura Vie” Calarasi, as beneficiary of the financing, will purchase translation and interpretation services, necessary to carry out and fulfill the obligations arising from the Financing Contracts no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and no. 98324 / 30.08.2018 concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi.
In this regard, we are interested to send you your offer with the prices applied and the period of validity of the offer, as specified below:
Translation services (CPV code – 79530000-8)
Translation of common study from Romanian into Bulgarian = 100 pag.
Translation of the tourist brochure from the Romanian language into the Bulgarian language (3 pieces) – 3×20 pag = 60 pag.
Translation of the tourist brochure from Romanian into English (3 pieces) – 3×20 pag = 60 pag.
Translation methodology implementation of FISHNAT package from Romanian to Bulgarian (3 methodologies) – 3×20 pag = 60 pag.
Translation methodology implementation of FISHNAT package from Romanian to English (3 methodologies) – 3×20 pag = 60 pag.
Translation of marketing strategy from Romanian into Bulgarian = 10 pag.
Translation material FISHNAT package promotion from Romanian into Bulgarian = 20 pag.
Interpretation services (CPV code – 79540000-1)
– Romanian-Bulgarian interpretation services at an event within the project, which will take place in Calarasi during 2 days / 1 night.
Please send us your offer by 23.01.2019 by fax, e-mail or directly to the Foundation’s headquarters.
The award criterion will be the lowest price.
Further information can be obtained at tel. 0723.513.998
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The Foundation “Living Nature” Calarasi, as beneficiary of the financing, following the analysis of the submitted offers, has acquired the service of “translation and interpretation” necessary to carry out and comply with the obligations arising from the Financing Contracts no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and no.98324 / 30.08.2018 concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as follows:
The works will be elaborated by SC NEWPIXEL DESIGN SRL Constanta, based on the contract no. 157 / 01.02.2019 having the value of 19,870 RON without VAT.
The award criterion was the lowest price.