The acquisition of car rental services is carried out in the context of the implementation of the project entitled “Fishing – cross-border tourist opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, RO RO code BG 402, financed through the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Program.

By purchasing this type of service, it is ensured that the obligations arising from the financing contracts of the project, respectively the contract no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and the contract no.98324 / 30.08.2018, concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi.

CPV code and its name:

60172000-4 – Bus and coach rental with driver.

The value of the purchase – 2,381.39 euros.

Car rental services refer to:

1. Minibus rental with a minimum of 17 seats, with driver, for the transport of participants at the Informative Meeting organized in Veliko-Tărnovo:

– Calarasi – Alexandria- Giurgiu and back (minibus in the country) = 550.25 euros

– Giurgiu- Veliko-Tărnovo and back = 265.6 euros;

2. Minibus rental with a minimum of 17 seats, with a driver, for the transport of the participants to the Informative Meeting organized in Alexandria:

– Călărași- Giurgiu- Alexandria and back = 550.25 euros;

– Giurgiu- Veliko-Tarnovo and back = 265.6 euros.

3. Minibus rental with a minimum of 17 seats, with driver, for the transport of the participants to the Workshop organized in Giurgiu:

– Calarasi- Giurgiu and back (minibus in the country) = 359.85 euros;

4. Minibus rental with minimum 17 seats, with driver, for transportation

participants in the Workshop organized in Ruse:

– Calarasi – Giurgiu and back = 359.85 euros;

– Giurgiu- Russian and back = 29.99 euros.

I should mention the fact that to date no procurement procedures have been organized for this type of services, in accordance with the legal regulations regarding public procurement, Law 98/2016.

The DIRECT PURCHASE procedure was chosen due to the total value of the services that are to be purchased, value below the threshold of 135,060 lei excluding VAT, the legal provisions of the MFE Order no. 1284/2016 and the provisions of the GEO. no. 45/2018.

Please send us your offer until 05.04.2019 by fax, e-mail or directly to the Foundation’s headquarters.

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Thus, the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as beneficiary of the financing, following the analysis of the submitted offers, purchased the “car rental” service necessary to carry out and comply with the obligations arising from the Financing Contracts no. 98322 / 30.08.2018 and no.98324 / 30.08.2018 concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and the “Living Nature” Foundation Calarasi, as follows:

The services will be provided by SC NELIA BANCU SRL Calarasi, based on the contract no. 285 / 12.04.2019 having the value of 1,941,18 euros excluding VAT.

The award criterion was the lowest price.