International conference at the FISHNAT Festival


The conference was held on 21-22.09.2019 in Călărași in the meeting room of the Călărași City Hall, gathering over 100 guests from Romania and Bulgaria, namely representatives from tour operators, fishermen’s associations, local authorities, professional fishermen. and representatives of the press. Representatives of tour operators from Giurgiu, Calarasi, Teleorman, Constanța and Bucharest counties were invited to the event and representatives from the Russian, Silistra and Veliko Tărnovo districts were present in Bulga At the beginning of the Conference were designed the 3 documentary films presenting the FISHNAT tourism packages created within the project (Sil-Ca, Gi-Ru, Te-Tar), with the description of the tourist routes that include natural and cultural heritage objectives in Romania and Bulgaria.

It was pointed out that the beneficiaries of these documentaries are, first and foremost, the tour operators who will subsequently create their own attractive offers for tourists – the final beneficiaries.

Following were presented the common marketing strategy for recreational fishing packages FISHNAT brand and information brochure on environmental protection during fishing. For participants were distributed, on the places distributed in the room, packages containing information and project description materials (brochures, methodologies…) including caps inscribed with the project logos.