FISHNAT Festival – Călărași ,20-22.09.2019
Between 20-22.09.2019, the FISHNAT Festival was held in Calarasi, within the project “Fishing – cross-border tourism opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, ROBG code 402, Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Program. The project brings together 4 partners, 2 from Romania, 2 from Bulgaria, the “Natura Vie Foundation” being the name of the project leader organization. During the Festival an international conference was held for 100 guests from Romania and Bulgaria, participating in the event tour operators, fishing associations, professional fishermen, representatives of local authorities, the press.
The purpose of the Conference was to present all the activities and materials that were elaborated for the creation of 3 FISHNAT brand packages, which combine tourism with leisure fishing, packages aimed especially at fishing enthusiasts. Promoting cross-border recreational fishing as a tourist attraction has a great impact on Danube tourism and highlights the natural and cultural heritage of the areas covered by the project.
The festival lasted 3 days, gathering over 7,500 participants from the cross-border area, the FISHNAT project addressing the counties of Calarasi, Giurgiu, and Teleorman in Romania and the Silistra, Ruse and Veliko Tărnovo regions in Bulgaria.
During the Festival stands were organized with presentation of specific fishing equipment and fishing gear, handicrafts, specific to the cross-border area. Culinary traditions related to fishing were present in the area of the culinary corner where fish dishes were offered. On the stage, amateur and professional artists have evolved daily, offering artistic performances with folklore ensembles and traditional Romanian and Bulgarian folk dances. Other performers offered light, rock and folk music recitals.
An outdoor exhibition with Danube-themed paintings was also arranged, the works being performed by talented students of Bănulescu high school in Călărași. The plastic figurine modeling workshop was an attraction for the little ones who were also present at the Festival, along with their parents.
By organizing and promoting this Festival, we want to increase the tourist exchange between Romania and Bulgaria but also to attract tourists from outside the two countries, offering the possibility to know the Danube area worldwide.