Alexandria Consultative Meeting

The fourth consultative meeting, held in Alexandria on May 30-31, 2019, organized within the project “Fishing – cross-border tourism opportunity / product and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources”, ROBG code 402, INTERREG VA Program Romania-Bulgaria, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.

In the first part of the meeting, the project manager spoke the words of welcome addressed to all those who accepted the invitation to take part in the consultative meeting organized within the project.

This event was joined by people working in local public administration, travel agents, fishermen’s associations, hotel and restaurant managers, operators and other fisheries stakeholders.

Subsequently, the discussions were taken over and mediated by the Partner 2 of the project – “Se Poate” Association Branch, which organized this event, presenting the main projects that the association realizes.

The discussions were taken over by a representative of the “Se Poate” Association Branch who presented the project (purpose, objective, activities, results, implementation period etc.), explaining the purpose of this consultative meeting in Alexandria.

Then the joint study was presented with the 6 tourist routes created, emphasizing the 3 that were approved and voted during the consultative meeting in Silistra.

The 3 routes were established, as follows:

  1. Zimnicea, Lake Suhaia, Turnu Măgurele (on Romanian territory), Nikopol, A. Stamboliiski dam, Veliko Târnovo and Yovkovtsi dam (on Bulgarian territory);
  2. Comana, Giurgiu (on the Romanian territory), Lipnik Park, Nikolovo, Ruse, Ivanovo and Nisovo (on the Bulgarian territory);
  3. Lupșanu, Iezeru Călărași, Călărași (on the Romanian territory), Silistra, the Antimovo and Tutrakan dam (on the Bulgarian territory).

The participants from Silistra mentioned the richness of the historical vestiges and of the natural beauty existing in the Ivanovo-Nisovo area, an area included in the UNESCO heritage.

At the end of the presentation, it was mentioned that at the meeting in Silistra, the 3 routes mentioned above were unanimously voted and suggestions for modifications of the routes were requested, if any.

The guests agreed to maintain these routes on the basis of which the tourist packages will be created. The project manager took the floor and asked the representatives of the travel agencies present at the meeting for a point of view on those exposed during the meeting.

Travel agencies play an important role in defining tourist packages, as they interact directly with tourists who express their wishes regarding the conditions they wish to have during a stay.

Travel agencies have mentioned that tourists want to enjoy the authenticity of the place, traditions, local food, but also originality.

Excited and satisfied tourists will want to return to the same places, promoting in their circles the approved tourist package. In the case of Veliko Târnovo city in Bulgaria, you cannot visit all the tourist attractions offered by the city in 1-2 days, leading to the return of the tourist to visit the other sights.