Report for an information meeting on September 2-4, 2019 in Veliko Tarnovo

The overall objective of the project is to make recreational fishing in inland waterways and the Danube River, as well as accompanying activities such as visits to historical, cultural and tourist attractions more accessible and more visited for tourists from Romania and Bulgaria. To this end, activities 1.2 and 3 considered possible locations in Bulgaria and Romania for accommodation, fishing and entertainment for groups of tourists. Three hiking trails have been identified with different duration and different emphasis for tourists:

– FISHNAT TE-TAR TOURIST PACKAGE: Lake Lazar, Alexandria, Turnu Magurele, Nikopol, Alexander Stamboliyski Dam, Veliko Turnovo, Yovkovtsi Dam (7 days)

– FISHNAT SIL-CA TOURIST PACKAGE: Lupsanu, Iezeru Calarasi, Calarasi, Silistra, Antimovo Dam, Tutrakan (3 days)

– FISHNAT GI-RU TOURIST PACKAGE: Comana, Giurgiu, Lesopark Lipnik, Nikolovo, Ruse, Ivanovo and Shtraklevo (7 days).

The meeting in Veliko Tarnovo was held at the Hotel Hotel, Trapezitsa Hall from 2 to 4 September.

Representatives of tourist operators, fishermen’s associations, local associations were invited. The Romanian partners made sure that their representatives were present.

The meetings were provided in Romanian by a translation agency – Nicoleta Intellect – Ms. Evgeniya Karageorgieva, and the participants’ transportation to Silistra by Milly Trans – 05.

At the beginning of the meeting, a representative of the Association informed the participants about the general idea of ​​the project, as well as the work done so far. Mr Gabriel Schebe of Natura Vie’s lead partner also congratulated the participants and presented the three FISHNAT travel packages in succession. Participants were given printed advertising materials – three types of booklets for each of the routes with comprehensive information about the sights, fishing conditions, accommodation, typical local cuisine, Danube crossing points. In addition, information brochures for the protection of the environment during fishing were distributed. Particular attention was paid to the methodology for determining the prices of the tourist packages to which the target groups are targeted, the expected profit of the tour operators. To this end, participants also received printed materials in Bulgarian or Romanian with more information on pricing. After the presentation of each package, there was a discussion about the more interesting fishing spots and sights. The presentation was done with a screen projector, with excerpts from the project site as well as presentations prepared for this purpose.

During the meeting, lecturer Rodika Stoyka presented material on the benefits of promoting FISHNAT travel packages, which is part of the overall marketing strategy for travel packages, along with the 3 films with travel packages, FISHNAT travel brochures, the environmental fishing brochure and methodologies for the implementation of each package. This material, in the form of a methodology, is a tool for tour operators to set prices more correctly, and it also gives different ideas for positioning packages on the tourism market – for small groups of businessmen, families, for adventure-minded young people, for clients with lower financial capabilities.

All of these are components that, together with the general survey of recreational fisheries, underpin the design of tourist offers by tour operators, through which they will try to attract the final beneficiaries – fishermen tourists. Lecturer Rodika Stoyka is a representative of Rokavi Company, an external contractor to the lead partner.

Participants also watched three promotional films created under the FISHNAT brand, made by the other partners. These films will promote fishing trails, be an element of their advertising through travel agencies, and will be broadcast in Bulgaria and Romania on local television.

During the meeting, a television team engaged by the lead partner made a report about the event, including interviews.

The logistics of the event was provided by Draster Turinvest under contract, including participants’ nights, coffee breaks, food, audio-visual room.

In conclusion, the meeting proceeded according to the preliminary plan and requirements of activity 5 of the project application form.